This auspicious, wish-granting stupa is a tamer of maras, meaningful to behold. May it be virtuous!

               --- Chatral Rinpoche



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[The Stupa contains] 50,000 images of the Eight Auspicious Ones; 50,000 images of the Swift Fulfillment of Wishes; one three-hundred-year-old Chronicles of Padma painting; twelve Tangshar paintings; 19,700,000 Amitabha images; 13,200,000 Guru Rinpoche images; 2,300,000 Avalokitesvara images; 2,000,000 White Umbrella images; 7,000,000 Vajrasattva images; 3,200,000 images of the Medicine Buddha; 2,200,000 Jambhala images; 7,400,000 images of the Three Long-Life Deities; 4,900,000 White Tara images; 4,300,000 Shakyamuni Buddha images; 2,900,000 Vajrapani images; 3,800,000 Akshobya images; 2,200,000 Manjushri images; 100,000 images of the Thousand Buddhas; 300,000 images of the Buddhas of the Three Times; 2,100,000 Kshitigarbha images; 100,000 Maitreya images; 1,500,000 Amitayus images; 5,900,000 Green Tara images; 1,000,000 Vajrakilaya images; 300,000 Naga King images; 3,700,000 images of the Protectors of the Three Families; 100,000 Hayagriva images; 400,000 images of Je Lama; 100,000 Gesar images; 100,000 images of Palden Lhamo (Shri Devi); 32,000 replicas of the Eight Auspicious Ones; 32,000 replicas of Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes; 632 Kama paintings; 500 replicas of Palden Lhamo; and 600 replicas of the Medicine Buddha. 




Protection Circles


[The Stupa contains] 150,000 Sangha gathering circles; 50,000 Sangha harmony circles; 500 Embodiment of Realization protection circles; 108 Mahapratisara protection circles; 7,700 Stainless Light Rays protection circles; 7,700 Stainless Ushnisha protection circles; 108 Stable Life-Tree Chakras; 7,700 Jambhala protection circles; 2000 Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes protection circles; 2000 Victory Banner Top Ornament protection circles; 2000 protection circles of Manjushri and retinue that increase longevity, merit, learning, and strength; 2000 Golden Boulder the Guards Against Defilement protection circles created by Padampa Sangye; 2000 protection circles that guard against eye disease; 2000 Wish-Fulfilling Jewel protection circles of the Glorious Leaf-Clad Hermit; 2000 protection circles Guru Krodha Atiguhya that guard against infectious diseases; 2000 protection circles from Eight Commands Union of the Sugatas’ ultimate fortress of commands; 2000 White Tara protection circles that extend life; 2000 Blazing Si-Repelling protection circles; 2000 Blazing Protection Circles that Guard Against Si-demons from the Northern Treasure tradition; 2000 Simhamukha protection circles; 2000 protection circles that protect against all fear by way of Marici; 2000 protection circles of Vajra Vidharana and retinue; 2000 Shri Vajrapani protection circles that tame demons affecting monastic vows; 2000 secret protection circles of Jambhala; 2000 White Umbrella protection circles; 2000 Krodha Burkhumkuta protection circles; 2000 profound protection circles that guard against child-stealing Si-demons; 2000 protection circles that generate merit with the strength of an elephant; 2000 hundred-key protection circles of white Guru Drakpo riding a garuda; 2000 magnetizing Kurukulle protection circles; 2000 protection circles of immortality; 2000 Wrathful Garuda protection circles that guard against epidemics; 2000 protection circles that increase family lineage; 2000 protection circles of Hayagriva bearing an iron sword; 2000 protection circles of wrathful Guru Drakpo that guard against infectious diseases; and 2000 protection circles of Dorje Drollö, Hayagriva, and Garuda.




  Electric Wheels


[The Stupa contains] eight wheels each bearing 39,000 Magnetizing Supplications.


 Life-Force Wheels and Liberation-Upon-Wearing Diagrams


[The Stupa contains] 2000 elaborate “Self-Liberating Body” liberation-upon-wearing diagrams from the Magical Display of the Peaceful and Wrathful Ones treasure retrieved by Karma Lingpa; 2000 middle-length liberation-upon-wearing diagrams from Karma Lingpas Peaceful and Wrathful Ones retrieved as treasure by Namchö Migyur Dorje; 2000 concise liberation-upon-wearing diagrams from Karma Lingpa’s Peaceful and Wrathful Ones; 2000 liberation-upon-wearing diagrams from Avalokitesvara Dredging the Depths of Samsara; 2000 wheels that liberate cities; 2000 great liberation-upon-seeing [diagrams] from Embodiment of Realization; 2000 liberation-upon-wearing diagrams from Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo’s restored treasure called Avalokitesvara Lotus Peaceful and Wrathful Ones; 2000 liberation-upon-wearing diagrams from the Vimalamitra Quintessence; 2000 liberation-upon-wearing diagrams of the Unfailing Lasso of Avalokitesvara from the Mind Tantra in the Heart-Essence of Padmasambhava; 2000 Bracelet of Glorious Vidyadhara Vitality diagrams; 2000 life-force wheels from the Gathering of the Masters; 2000 life-force wheels from the Gathering of the Vidyadharas; 2000 general life-force wheels of the master; 2000 general life-force wheels of the yidam deity; 2000 Yumka life-force wheels from the Heart-Essence of Longchenpa; 2000 life-force wheels from the yidam deity Vajrasattva; 2000 life-force wheels from the Embodiment of Realization Mind-Sadhana’s Eight Commands; 2000 life-force wheels from the Embodiment of Realization Mind-Sadhana’s Eight Emanations of Guru Rinpoche; 2000 life-force wheels of Vajrakilaya; 2000 liberation-upon-wearing diagrams from the Mother-and-Child Heart-Essence of Vimalamitra; 2000 White Umbrella wheels from the Compendium of Sadhanas; 2000 diagrams for monastic gatherings from the Namchö Mind Treasure; and 2000 root diagrams of the mind-sadhana Clearing All Obstacles.


Contents of the Yaksha Treasury, etc.


In order to reverse the degeneration of the universe and its beings, regenerate the vitality of the soil, bring prosperity, well-being, and all good things to humans and animals, and cause everything to flourish, [the Stupa contains] the seven kinds of precious material; the eight auspicious symbols; the eight substances; the five precious things such as various kinds of gold and silver; the five kinds of armor and arms such as various kinds of weapons; the five kinds of fabric such as various cotton garments; the five kinds of grain and various fruits; yellow, beleric, and emblic myrobalan and various kinds of medicine; white and red sandalwood and various kinds of wood; turquoise, coral, Zi stone, agates, emeralds, amber, crystals, moonstones, rubies, and various other kinds of precious gems; and conch shell, cowry shells, and various kinds of shells and pearls. All these precious items, missing nothing, have been placed inside a total of 2064 large and small treasure vases, including gold treasure vases, fault-cleansing vases, Tibet-happiness vases, and Jambhala vases. Furthermore, each of the fourteen sections of the monastic community and tantric college offered silks, tea, butter, grains, and various other superior goods, without a trace of miserliness, and these were added to the treasury to ensure that all degeneration of the universe and beings is thoroughly dispelled.