This auspicious, wish-granting stupa is a tamer of maras, meaningful to behold. May it be virtuous!

               --- Chatral Rinpoche

Inner Rim


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The Stupa


On the four sides of the dome are four large doors. Inside the large door to the east is an extremely fine, six-meter-high statue cast in bronze and gold of the future buddha, the Regent Protector Maitreya, complete with an ornamented backdrop. Inside the dome’s southern door is a six-meter Buddha Amitabha made of gold-plated copper, with backdrop adorned with the six ornaments and set with precious gems. Inside the dome’s western door is a six-meter gold statue of Ushnishavijaya, complete with backdrop adorned with the six ornaments and set with precious gems. Inside the dome’s northern door is a six-meter statue of Guru Drakpo Takyung made of gold-plated copper, with backdrop adorned with the six ornaments and set with precious gems.


Below the dome are four tiers symbolizing the four boundless qualities, and inside these great beams are 126 square openings. Inside each square opening is a buddha statue, making a total of 126. Each one is a meter high and made of pure gold-plated.


On the four sides of the lion throne are four beautiful, ornate, gold porticos. To the east, there is a buddha temple that houses three statues. The principal one is a four-meter Jowo Shakyamuni statue made of gold-plated copper in Chamdo. The statue is flanked by Bodhisattva Samantabhadra on the right and Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha on the left, each in standing posture and cast from Chinese bronze alloy. Before them are many beautiful offering articles, including a pair of gold butter-lamps, a gold mandala, a set of seven silver offering bowls filled with precious gems, the eight auspicious symbols, various flowers, silken pendants and victory banners. ot a single offering substance is missing.


To the south, there is an Oddiyana temple that houses four statues. he principal one is a four-meter Guru Rinpoche, “Glorious Subjugator of Appearance and Existence,” (Nangsi Zilnön) made of gold-plated copper. He is flanked by Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal on the right and Lady Mandarava on the left.  In front of them is a meter-high jade Avalokitesvara in traditional Chinese style, with bronze-alloy adornments.


To the west, there is a Vajrasattva temple that houses three statues. The principal one is a four-meter statue of glorious Vajrasattva made of gold-plated copper. e is flanked by Bodhisattva Akashagarbha on the right and Nirvirana-Vishkambin on the left.  Both figures are standing and are cast from Chinese bronze alloy.


To the north, there is an Avalokitesvara temple that houses three statues of the noble Protectors of the Three Families. The principal one is a four-meter statue of the supremely noble Four-Armed Avalokitesvara, “Tamer of Beings,” embodiment of all the buddhas’ compassion, made of gold-plated copper. He is flanked by Noble Manjushri, [bodhisattva of] supreme knowledge, on the right and Vajrapani on the left.  Both figures are standing and are cast from Chinese bronze alloy. 


In addition, each of the four temples is adorned with beautiful arrangements of myriad offerings, such as gold-and-silver mandalas, various flowers, offerings bowls, gold butter-lamps, and silver food offerings, as well as various offering goddesses and garlands. These lavish offerings are complete and lacking nothing.