This auspicious, wish-granting stupa is a tamer of maras, meaningful to behold. May it be virtuous!

               --- Chatral Rinpoche



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The area around the base of the stupa is 5600 square meters. Each of the four sides of the stupa is forty-five meters, and the height is 67 meters. In general, the stupa is constructed of stone, cement, steel, and marble. In particular, the pinnacle ornament, the jewel, sun, and moon, latticed umbrella, thirteen Dharma wheels, and lotus seat are made of pure gold-plated copper and adorned with hundreds of small bells, etc.  The Dharma wheels, sun, moon, and jewel are sixteen meters high. The life tree is a twenty-meter-long piece of white sandalwood brought from the hidden land of Pemakö, which Guru Padmasambhava himself visited and blessed. It was placed right-side-up inside the stupa, without mistaking the top from the bottom or the east from the west, with the top inside the stupa and the root with a half-vajra, inscribed with various dharani mantras in gold according to the scriptures. 


The shaft above the dome is adorned with two wisdom eyes on each of its four sides, making a total of eight clear and beautiful eyes, which are likewise made of pure gold-plated copper. Inside the dome, the main sacred objects are the four kinds of relics (ringsel) and so on, which were housed from ancient times in our home monastery. The main representations of enlightened body include ten extremely rare bronze buddha statues; three bronze Amitayus statues; one bronze Dipamkara; one Chinese Amitabha; one bronze Avalokitesvara; one bronze Regent Maitreya; one bronze Manjushri Dharmachakra, as well as a Manjushri Dharmachakra which was the main representation of enlightened mind in the Sakya Dongtok Monastery’s large rainbow-struck Maitreya statue; a priceless bronze statue from India; a bronze statue of the Indian Mahasiddha Tilopa donated by Yaksé Khenpo Sonam Rinchen; a priceless bronze-and-ore buddha from which relics emerged; a bronze Tara statue; a wondrous bronze statue of a Chinese Child-Granting Tara; a blessed revealed-treasure (terma) statue of Akshobya; a revealed-treasure statue of Guru Rinpoche; a piece of the vajra fence from Samye; a Chinese bell that drips with water donated by Tulku Rinpoche, Gelek Chökyi Nyima; thirty Nepalese bronze-alloy statues donated by Tulku Kunzang Nyima; and so on.