This auspicious, wish-granting stupa is a tamer of maras, meaningful to behold. May it be virtuous!

               --- Chatral Rinpoche



Current Directory: Main Page > Consecration > Sutras



There are 13,000 sets of the precious Buddhist Canon (Kangyur); ten sets of the Translated Treatises (Tengyur); five sets of the Nyingma Kama; three sets of the Collected Works of Rongzompa; one set of the new edition of the Precious Treasury of Rediscovered Teachings (Rinchen Terdzöd); one thousand sets of Longchenpa’s Seven Treasuries; 108 sets of the Fourfold Heart-Essence (Nyingtik Yabzhi); 108 sets of the Seventeen Tantras of the Great Perfection; ten sets of the Precious Treasury of Rediscovered Teachings; eleven sets of the Collected Works of Mipam Rinpoche; five copies of the Collected Works of the Wish-Fulfilling Dharma Lord [Khenpo Jigme Püntsok]; ten sets of the Collected Works of Je Tsongkhapa; one thousand copies of the Chronicles of Padma (Pema Katang); fifty sets of the Hundred Thousand Tantras of the Nyingma School (Nyingma Gyübum); 108 copies of the Fortunate Aeon; 108 sets of the Narthang edition of the Prajnaparamita in Eight Thousand Verses; 303 sets of the Litany of Names; the complete Great Compilation of the Early Translation Nyingma Scriptural Tradition; five complete sets of the volumes contained in the Garland of White Lotuses catalogue; 108 sets of the Final Teachings of the Four Vidyadharas; 250,108 copies of the Tantra of the Single Heir to the Teaching; 20,150,053 copies of the Greater Armlet of the Noble Victory Banner’s Spire; 30,000 copies of Mipam Rinpoche’s supplication Source of All Siddhis; 30,000 copies of Mipam Rinpoche’s Eight Auspicious Verses, 108 sets of New Dharanis; 108 sets of Old Dharanis; sixteen bundles of dharanis from the Four Sections of Tantra; 66 copies of the Dharani of Buddha’s Names; 251 copies of the extensive and concise Prayer to Guru Rinpoche in Seven Chapters; 30,000 copies of Nyarong Lama Sögyal’s Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes and Clearing Obstacles from the Path; and 59 bundles of dharanis from the Buddha’s Sutras and Tantras. In addition, there are the scriptures carved in stone, which include two copies of the abridged Excellent Speech (Tripitaka); five copies of the Diamond-Cutter Sutra; 120 copies of the Liberation Sutra; one copy of the Fortunate Aeon; one copy of the Fortunate Aeon; one copy of the Litany of Names; and one copy of the Confession of Misdeeds.






There are 500,000,000 copies of the Shakyamuni dharani; 520,100,00 copies of the five great dharanis; 600,000,000 Guru Rinpoche approach mantras; 500,000,000 Avalokitesvara approach mantras; 500,000,000 Hundred-Syllable Mantras; 500,000,000 Vajrakilaya approach mantras; 500,000,000 Medicine Buddha dharanis; 500,000,000 Akshobya dharani-mantras; 500,000,000 Vairochana approach mantras; 500,000,000 Amitabha mantras; 500,000,000 Amitayus dharanis; 600,000,000 Vajrasattva mantras; 500,000,000 Tara approach mantras; 500,000,000 Kshitigarbha approach mantras; 500,000,000 Simhamukha approach mantras; 500,000,000 Prajnaparamita approach mantras; 500,000,000 Sitatapatra approach mantras; 500,000,000 Hayagriva approach mantras; 500,000,000 Ucchusma approach mantras; 500,000,000 Vajrapani approach mantras; 500,000,000 Garuda approach mantras; 500,000,000 Arapatsa mantras of the King of Vidya-Mantras [Manjushri]; 500,000,000 Peaceful and Wrathful Deity approach mantras; 500,000,000 Guru Drakpo approach mantras; 500,000,000 Eight Heruka approach mantras; 500,000,000 Vajrabhairava approach mantras; 500,000,000 Guhyasamaja dharanis; 500,000,000 Chakrasamvara dharanis; 500,000,000 Hevajra dharanis; 500,000,000 Kalachakra dharanis; 500,000,000 Dzambhala dharanis; 500,000,000 Parnashavari dharanis; 500,000,000 Vajra-vidarana long dharanis; 500,000,000 Khecari dharanis; 500,000,000 Marici dharanis; 500,000,000 Maitreya dharanis; 500,000,000 Dhvajāgrakeyūra dharanis; 500,000,000 Krodhikali approach mantras; 500,000,000 Amoghamani offering-cloud dharanis; 500,000,000 Devi Shri Veda approach mantras; 500,000,000 Hayagriva-Garuda approach mantras; 100,000,000 essence-mantras of the demon-taming Dorje Drollö; 415,800 Dependent Origination mantras; 361,900 Ali-Kali mantras; 223,300 Rigpa Pukrön mantras; 169,400 copies of various prayers; 1,700 copies of the Guru Sadhana Heart Lineage; 7,700 copies of Pema Lingpa’s Guru Lineage; 7,700 copies of the Guru Sadhana common to all earlier and later treasures; 7,700 copies of the name-mantras of India’s Eight Vidyadharas; 7,700 copies of the name-mantras of the Abbot, Guru, and Dharma King Trio; 7,700 copies of the great Dzogchen Heart-Essence Lineage; 7,700 copies of the Khandro Nyingtik Lineage; 7,700 copies of the Ati Lineage of the Profound Essential Meaning; 7,700 copies of the Expanse Class Vajra Bridge Lineage; 7,700 copies of the Mind Class Lineage; 7,700 copies of the name-mantras of the Twenty-Five Disciples of Guru Rinpoche; 7,700 copies each of the Scripture of the Great Assemblage Empowerment Lineage’s generation-and-completion triad—firstly, the name-mantras of the Ati Lineage, secondly, the name-mantras of the Anuyoga Lineage, and thirdly, the name-mantras of the Mahayoga lineage; 7,700 copies of the lineage of the great confluence of the generation-and-completion triad; 7,700 copies of the Zur Tradition lineage; 7,700 copies of the Kathok Tradition lineage; 7,700 copies of the Shanti Krodha Mayajala empowerment lineage; 7,700 copies of the Essential Commentary lineage; 7,700 copies of the Dredging the Depths of Hell lineage; 7,700 copies of the Sarvabuddha Samayoga lineage; 7,700 copies of the Guru Tantra from the Eight Commands Union of the Sugatas; 7,700 copies of the Vishuddha lineage; 7,700 copies of Guru Chöwang’s Vishuddhagarbha lineage; 7,700 copies of the Red Manjushri-Yamantaka lineage; 7,700 copies of the Manjushri-Yamantaka Longevity Lord lineage; 7,700 copies of the Yamantaka Haughty Vanquisher; 7,700 copies of the Innermost Secret Wrathful Manjushri-Yamantaka lineage; 7,700 copies of the Kilaya Black Deity Vision lineage; 7,700 copies of the Kilaya Innermost Secret Razor lineage; 7,700 copies of the Nagarjuna Tradition’s Bodhicitta lineage; 7,700 copies of the Asanga Tradition’s Bodhicitta lineage; 7,700 copies of the Shantideva Tradition’s Bodhicitta lineage; 7,700 copies of the lineage of the confluence of all three Bodhicitta lineages; 7,700 copies of the Pratimoksha Vow lineage; 7,700 copies of the name-mantras of the Early Translation panditas who were so kind to Tibet; 7,700 copies of the name-mantras of the Early Translation translators who were so kind here in Tibet; 7,700 copies of the name-mantras of several of the principal treasure-revealers; 7,700 copies of the name-mantras of Buddha’s supreme Sravakas; 7,700 copies of the name-mantras of the Seven Arhats prophesied to be holders of the Buddha’s teachings; 7,700 copies of the name-mantras of the masters of the New Treasure Guru Sadhana Heart-Essence; 7,700 copies of the mantra for accomplishing the three kayas from the Embodiment of the Guru’s Secrets (Lama Sangdü); 7,700 copies of the mantra for accomplishing the three kayas from the Guru Jewel Ocean (Lama Norbu Gyatso); 7,700 copies of the mantra from the outer, inner, and secret guru sadhanas in both the earlier and later treasures; 7,700 copies of the mantra from the great compilation of the Embodiment of the Guru’s Realization (Lama Gongdü); 7,700 copies of the accomplishment mantra of the Great Wrathful Guru (Maha Guru Drakpo); 7,700 copies of the Wrathful Guru mantra from the Odren Tradition; 7,700 copies of the mantra from Nyang [Nyima Özer’s] Drakpo Blissful Assembly (Drakpo Derdü); 7,700 copies of Pema Lingpa’s Drakpo; 7,700 copies of the mantra from the great king of tantras, Vajra Array: Assemblage of Knowledge Scripture; 7,700 copies of the mantra from Dredging the Depths of Hell; 7,700 copies of the mantra from the Tantra of the Secret Essence (Guhyagarbha); 7,700 copies of the mantra from the Equalizing Buddhahood Tantra (Sarvabuddha Samayoga); 7,700 copies of the mantra from the Tantra of Heruka Galpo; 7,700 copies of the mantra from the Assemblage of Sugatas Supreme Hundred Families; 7,700 copies of the mantra from the Assemblage of Sugatas Forty-Two Peaceful Deities; 7,700 copies of the mantra from the Assemblage of Sugatas Five Peaceful Families; from the mantras of the Assembly of Sugatas Wrathful Array, first, there are 7,700 copies of the mantra of the Chemchok Heruka Qualities Deity Assembly; second, 7,700 copies of the mantra of the Vishuddha Mind Deity Assembly; third, 7,700 copies of the mantra of the Manjushri Body Deity Assembly; fourth, 7,700 copies of the mantra of the Padma Speech Deity Assembly; fifth, 7,700 copies of the mantra of the Kilaya Activity Deity Assembly; sixth, 7,700 copies of the Mamo Liberating Sorcery Deity Assembly; seventh, 7,700 copies of the Vidyadhara Deity Assembly; eighth, 7,700 mantras of the Mundane Worship Deity Assembly; and ninth, 7,700 mantras of the Maledictory Fierce Mantra Deity Assembly; 7,700 essence-mantras of the Assemblage of Sugatas Peaceful and Wrathful Eight Commands; 7,700 peaceful deities’ essence-mantras from the Complete Secret Eight Commands; 7,700 copies of the mantra, along with the augmenting words and petition, from the Combined Wrathful Nine Glorious Ones; from the liberation-upon-wearing cycle belonging to the most profound Great Perfection tantras, there are 7,700 copies of the Liberation-Upon-Wearing Essence Tantra; 7,700 copies of the Knowing One Liberates All Tantra; 7,700 copies of the Yangti Single Golden Syllable Tantra; 7,700 copies of the Sole Heir to the Buddha Seed of Conduct Tantra; 7,700 copies of the Self-Existing Awareness Tantra; 7,700 copies of the Great Complete Fruition Tantra; 7,700 copies of the most profound Heart-Essence of the Dakini’s Liberation Upon Seeing; 7,700 copies of the Posthumous Teachings; 7,700 essence-mantras of Guru Chöwang’s Vishuddha; 7,700 Bhagavan Shri Chakrasamvara mantras; 7,700 Vajravarahi mantras; 7,700 Bhagavati Mala mantras; 7,700 Deities of the Three Wheels mantras; 7,700 Four Essence Yoginis mantras; 7,700 Ten Wrathful Chakrasamvaras mantras; 7,700 averting mantras from the twelfth chapter of the Abhidhana; 7,700 mantras from the second [chapter]; 7,700 Yama Red Banner mantras; 7,700 Manjushri Mudra Subjugation mantras; 7,700 Yamantaka Haughty Destroyer mantras; 7,700 Yama Molten Bronze mantras; 7,700 Kalachakra sixteen-line mantras and offering mantras; 7,700 Six-Faced Yama mantras; 7,700 Mahakarunika Assemblage of Sugatas mantras; 500,000 pinnacle dharanis; 7,700 mantras from the longevity sadhana from Acharya Buddhaguhya’s tradition; 7,700 Vajrayogini Great Dakini mantras; 7,700 Vajravarahi Combined Families mantras from the same; 7,700 Krodhikali mantras from the Nyang tradition; 7,700 Hayagriva Most Profound Wrath mantras; 7,700 mantras of Black Hayagriva in both the earlier and later treasures; from the mantras of the Nine Wrathful Ones taught in the Guhyasamaja, there are 7,700 Yamanataka mantras; 7,700 Unassailable mantras; 7,700 Hayagriva mantras; 7,700 Amrita Kundali mantras; 7,700 Achala mantras; 7,700 Bondage King mantras; 7,700 Blue Staff mantras; 7,700 Great Strength mantras; 7,700 Sumbha mantras; 7,700 essence-mantras of Gentle Vajra from the Magical Net; 7,700 Vajrabhairava mantras; 7,700 Guhyasamaja mantras from the Jowo [Atisha] tradition; 7,700 Hundred-Syllable mantras from the Vajrapañjara Tantra; 7,700 Hayagriva Naga-Tamer mantras; 7,700 Vajrakilaya Innermost Secret Razor mantras; 7,700 Hevajra mantras; 7,700 Sixteen-Armed Hevajra mantras; 7,700 mantras of the dakinis of the five Hevajra families; 7,700 Two-Armed Hevajra mantras; 7,700 mantras of the Ten Wrathful Ones as taught in the Dakini Vajra Tent; of the deities from the Guhyasamaja, 7,700 Askhobya-vajra mantras; 7,700 Gentle Vajra mantras; 7,700 Om-ma mantras; 7,700 Buddha-kapala mantras; 7,700 Catuhpitha-yoga Akashagarbha mantras; 7,700 essence-mantras of the Six Chakravartins of the Six Enlightened Families of Chakrasamvara; 7,700 Vajra-Amrita mantras; 7,700 Vajrapani Tamer of All Haughty Spirits mantras; 7,700 Hayagriva mantras from the Jowo [Atisha] tradition; 7,700 Arya Maitreya’s Pledge mantras; 7,700 Arya Manjushri’s Pledge mantras; 7,700 Three Jewels prostration and refuge mantras; 7,700 Vairochana mantras; 7,700 Akshobya essence-mantras; 7,700 Ratnasambhava mantras; 7,700 Amitabha mantras; 7,700 Amoghasiddhi mantras; 7,700 dharanis for purifying the obscuration of the five heinous crimes with immediate retribution; 7,700 Medicine Buddha dharanis; 7,700 Buddha Stainless Light essence-mantras; 7,700 mantras for consecrating the ritual articles inside the stupa of Stainless Light; 7,700 dharanis for purifying all obscuration of items placed inside the stupa; 7,700 dharanis for consecrating the stupa of Stainless Light; 7,700 dharanis for offering and circumambulation of Stainless Light; 7,700 precious top-ornament dharanis; 7,700 Vajrapani mantras from Jangchup Lingpa; 7,700 Multi-Storied Vajrapani mantras; 7,700 Ultra-Averting Diamond mantras; 7,700 Blue-Clad Vajrapani mantras; 7,700 Vajra Vidharana innermost-essence mantras; 7,700 White-Canopy Ushnisha mantras; 7,700 Stainless Lotus Ushnisha mantras; 7,700 dharanis for stupa circumambulation; 7,700 Arya Crown Jewel dharanis; 7,700 dharanis of Amitayus with One Hundred and Eight Names; 7,700 Sarvavid-Vairochana mantras; 7,700 Tathagata hundred-syllable mantras; 7,700 White-Canopy Ushnisha dharanis; 7,700 long dharanis of Bhagavan Vajrapani; 7,700 Arya Mahapratisara mantras; 7,700 Universal Conqueress mantras; 7,700 Great Peacock mantras; 7,700 Secret Mantra Follower mantras; 7,700 Cool Grove mantras; 7,700 Amoghapasha mantras; 7,700 Blazing Wheel dharanis; 7,700 Cundi dharanis; 7,700 Arya Kurukulle mantras; 7,700 Arya Marici mantras; 7,700 Arya Leaf-Clad Hermit dharanis; 7,700 Prajnaparamita mantras; 7,700 dharanis of the Blue-Throated Avalokitesvara Who Dispels Disturbance; 7,700 mantras of the Eight Bodhisattvas; 7,700 mantras of the splendor of the Eight Bodhisattvas; 7,700 Vajra Vidhara dharanis; 7,700 vast dedication mantras; of the five types of great dharani in supreme praise of stupas, firstly there are 7,700 Ushnisha-vijaya mantras; 7,700 Immaculate Ushnisha dharanis; 7,700 Secret Relic mantras; 7,700 Hundred Thousand Ornaments of Enlightenment mantras; 7,700 Dependent Arising mantras; 7,700 dharanis of the hundred stupas of Stainless Light; 7,700 elaborate Heart Sutra dharanis; 7,700 Eleven-Headed Avalokitesvara dharanis; 7,700 dharanis of the Mother of All Dharmas; 7,700 mantras that encompass the Prajnaparamita in One Hundred Thousand Lines; 7,700 mantras that encompass [the Prajnaparamita in] Twenty Thousand Lines; 7,700 mantras that encompass [the Prajnaparamita in] Eight Thousand Lines; 7,700 mantras that encompass the Buddha Avatamsaka Sutra; 7,700 mantras that encompass the Gandavyuha Sutra; 7,700 mantras that encompass the King of Samadhi Sutra; 7,700 mantras that grant the four immeasurables; 7,700 essence-mantras of the six paramitas; 7,700 mantras that grant the ten paramitas; 7,700 posadha confessions of the Seven Universal Buddhas, such as Buddha Vipasyin; 7,700 Manjushri’s Increasing Intelligence and Manjushri Siddhaikavira mantras; 7,700 Great Awareness mantras; 7,700 Vajradhatu essence-mantras; 7,700 Dharmadhatu and Mantradhatu essence-mantras; 7,700 Prajnaparamita in Few Letters dharanis; 7,700 hundred-syllable mantras that concisely express reality just as it is; 7,700 essence-mantras of the four principal deities practiced by Jowo [Atisha]; 7,700 Boundless Gates dharanis; 7,700 Universal Conqueress dharanis; 7,700 Dharmadhatu Speech Power activity-mantras; 7,700 mantras for purifying the lower realms; 7,700 mantras for pacifying the elements; 7,700 essence-mantras of Leaf-Clad Sambhuda and Marici; 7,700 Vijaya essence-mantras; 7,700 essence-mantras of Amitayus from the general tantras; 7,700 Simhanada mantras; 7,700 Tara dharanis from the Vajra Panjara Tantra; 7,700 Marici activity-mantras; 7,700 Secret Mantra Follower [mantras]; 7,700 Cool Grove mantras; 7,700 Great Peacock Goddess mantras; 7,700 Brahma mantras; 7,700 Indra mantras; 7,700 Shiva mantras; 7,700 Vishnu mantras; 7,700 mantras of the Eight Goddesses; 7,700 mantras of the Guardians of the Ten Directions; 7,700 mantras of the Four Guardian Kings; 7,700 mantras of the days, constellations, and planets; 7,700 mantras for dispelling obstructing forces; 7,700 Shri Devi mantras; 7,700 mantras of Vasundra from the Vajra Tent; 7,700 Jambhala mantras; 7,700 mantras from the Reveling in Weapons chapter in the Excellent Black Mahakala Tantra; 7,700 White Mahakala mantras from the Nyang Treasures; 7,700 Trakshed Chamdrel mantras from the Nyö tradition; 7,700 Nyen Goddess mantras; 7,700 Four-Arm mantras; 7,700 Maning mantras; 7,700 mantras of the five protector classes; 7,700 Tiger-Riding Lord mantras; 7,700 Four-Face mantras; 7,700 Ekajati essence-mantras; 7,700 Shenpa Sokdrupma mantras; 7,700 Za Rahula mantras; 7,700 Yaksha mantras; 7,700 Dorje Lekpa mantras; 7,700 Vaishravana mantras; 7,700 Blue Horse mantras; 7,700 Wrathful Blue Horse mantras; 7,700 Four-Implement mantras; 7,700 Zhanglön mantras; 7,700 Red Jambhala mantras; 7,700 Mahadeva Wind-Lasso mantras; 7,700 general Mahakala mantras; 7,700 Mahadeva mantras from the Sha-uk Treasures; 7,700 Yama mantras; 7,700 Draktsen mantras; 7,700 Behar mantras; 7,700 Yaksha mantars; 7,700 mantras of the Mara-Tsan-Naga Trio; 7,700 copies of the dharani that multiplies a million times if placed inside a stupa; 7,700 mantras blessed by enlightened body, speech, and mind; 7,700 three-kaya blessed mantras; 7,700 Offering-Cloud mantras; 7,700 Offering-Cloud source-mantras; 7,700 Sky-Treasury mantras; 7,700 consecration mantras, and so on. [The Stupa] contains the five major classes of long dharanis—relics of the dharmakaya in praise of Victorious Lord Buddha himself—along with myriad other dharanis and various teachings, commentaries, treasure teachings, and so on, with nothing missing or added, edited, consecrated, and complete, including authentic wooden book covers, labels, and cloth wraps.