This auspicious, wish-granting stupa is a tamer of maras, meaningful to behold. May it be virtuous!

               --- Chatral Rinpoche



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   Mustard seed-like relics


Authentic, verified mustard seed-like relics are difficult to find in this world. There is one pea-like relic from Buddha Dipamkara, one pea-like relic from Buddha Kasyapa, and eight mustard seed-like relics from Buddha Shakyamuni.


Dharmakaya relics


There are two kinds of dharmakaya relics: scriptures and dharani mantras. 


Relics from Sacred Remains


[The Stupa contains]: an entire tooth of Buddha Shakyamuni; a bone relic of Guru Chöwang; a bone of the Great Treasure-Revealer Sangye Lingpa; cremation ashes from the Great Treasure-Revealer Longsal Nyingpo; a pill made from the verified flesh of Omniscient Jigme Lingpa; a clay statue made from the bones of Omniscient Longchenpa; a bone of Kathok Situ; an verified skull relic of Abo Lama Tenzin Dargye; a skull relic of Sera Khandro Dewey Dorje; a bone relic of the All-Seeing Vajradhara Khenpo Münsel; a bone relic of Khen Chökhyab; a pill made from the skull of Palyul Kunzang Sherab; a bone relic of Shechen Gyaltsap; a bone pill from Tromge Arik; a bone pill from Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche; a combination pill made of the clothing worn by the holy body and assembled supporting elements of the Supreme Refuge Drubwang [Pema Norbu]; a pill made from the holy body salts of Minling Trichen Rinpoche; a pill from the multiplying remains of the Karmapa; a bone relic of the Great Treasure-Revealer Düdül Dorje; a pill made from the holy body salts of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo; an entire tooth of Buddha Shakyamuni revealed as treasure by Chokgyur Lingpa; precious fine powder that emerged from the Lhasa Ramochey Jowo statue; and so on.


Clothing Relics


[The Stupa contains]: Guru Rinpoche’s verified hair revealed as treasure; Orgyen Drodül Lingpa’s hair and nose blood; a pill containing the flesh of the Great Siddha Karmapaksha; Rinchen Lingpa’s hair; Chöje Yishin Norbu’s hair; Do Khyentse’s hair; Sera Khandro Dewey Dorje’s leg bone, sash, and hair from this very lifetime; a pill containing a piece of Guru Rinpoche’s She’u Nyenshu hat; Omniscient Longchenpa’s clothing; Omniscient Jigme Lingpa’s seat and clothing; a monk’s carpet received from the hand of Tenzin Gyatso, Protector of the Land of Snows; a pill containing the Sovereign Master Nyang’s head hair; the Great Treasure-Revealer Mingyur Dorje’s clothing; a pill containing a piece of Sakya Pandita’s hat; Vidyadhara Longsal Nyingpo’s hair; Supreme Refuge the Thirteenth Chaktsa Kunzang Ngedön Wangpo’s monastic shawl; Supreme Refuge the Fourth Kathok Chaktsa Pema Trinley Gyatso’s verified hat and hair; Rishul Khenchen Trimey Özer’s abbot hat, religious robe, and prayer book; the Firth Dzogchen Rinpoche Tupten Chödor’s verified upper garment; Dzogchen Patrul’s clothing; Kathok Situ Chökyi Gyatso’s clothing; Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö’s clothing; Tupten Chökyi Dorje’s clothing; Mura Tulku’s clothing; Trime Shingkyong’s clothing; a pill containing Dza Mura Tulku’s head hair; Khenpo Ngakchung Rinpoche’s clothing; hair from the wife of Karmapa Khakhyap Dorje; a pill containing Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo’s holy body salts; Mipam Rinpoche’s clothing; Jamyang Loter Wangpo’s clothing; the previous Dodrupchen’s clothing; Jigme Gyalwey Nyugu’s clothing; Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa’s clothing; Khenchen Chökhyap’s clothing; Dilgo Khyentse’s clothing; Rainbow Body Khenchen Tsewang Rigdzin’s verified clothing; Namchö Migyur Dorje’s clothing; Adzom Drukpa Drodül Pawo Dorje’s clothing; the top of Tongkor Zhabdrung’s  water vessel; Tokgö Tulku Tenpey Gyaltsen’s religious robe; Kyabgön Getse Mahapandita Gyurme Tsewang Chokdrup’s verified belt-dagger; Rali Lama Apen’s blessed and verified teacup, received from the hands of Tulku Kunlo; the supreme Khenchen Rinpoche Samten’s cloak; the meditation belt and sash of Tsashul Lama Dönli, one of Sera Khandro’s four main lineage holders; the precious Omniscient Khenchen Münsel’s clothing; Drubwang Lungtok Gyaltsen’s clothing; blessed medicine (mendrup) made by Sangye Lingpa; sublime substances from Gampopa Orgyen Drodül Lingpa’s three-year retreat; torma pills made during Lupuk Tsewang Rigdzin’s nine-year Palchen Düpa retreat; Supreme Refuge Drubwang [Penor] Rinpoche’s accomplishment pills; combination pills made of the items in Jamyang Khyentse’s shrine; Rainbow Body Achö’s mani pills; mani pills made by Jamyang Khyenste Wangpo, Jamgön Kongtrül, Chogyur Lingpa, and Karmapa Rangjung Dorje; pills blessed repeatedly at the prayer ceremonies held in Bodhgaya, India by practitioners from the Sakya, Gelug, Kagyü, Nyingma, Jonang and other traditions; pills blessed in the Hundred-Thousand-Offerings ceremony conducted by the monastic sangha at Larung Gar; longevity pills; pills from the great accomplishment ceremonies at Yachen Gar; pills blessed by the assembly of ten thousand monks at Kathok Monastery; combination pills from the sacred items in Traling; combination pills made from the sacred items in Dzongsar Monastery in Derge; ten pounds of mani pills that contain the combined sacred items given by the Precious Sovereign Protector; combination pills made from sacred items given by Chatral Sangye Dorje; combination pills made from sacred items given by Chaktrül Rinpoche; combination pills made from sacred items used to accomplish the three kayas throughout the ages at Tralek Monastery; celebration-of-fortunate-mind combination pills made from sacred items of Tralek Lama Jangchup Dorje; Ngakchung Rinpoche’s Treasury of Rediscovered Teachings pills; Choktrül Gelek Nyima’s Treasury of Rediscovered Teachings pills; combination pills made from Tulku Kunzang Nyima’s sacred items; leaves from the Bodhi Tree in India; avadhuti grass from the hidden land of Pema Kö; wondrous flowers from the hidden land of Pema Kö; whitewash from Jarung Kashor and many other blessed stupas; snow elixir from Mount Kailash and many other sacred snowy mountains; and so on. If I were to write an exhaustive list, the book would be too long, so in short, this Stupa contains soil samples, water samples, holy grass, holy juniper and precious stones, precious blessed water, and samples of all other types of precious materials, without exception, collected from numerous major and minor sacred power-places throughout India, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, and so on.