This auspicious, wish-granting stupa is a tamer of maras, meaningful to behold. May it be virtuous!

               --- Chatral Rinpoche



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As for the time when the Great World Peace Stupa was constructed, in the year 2005, which corresponds to the Tibetan year of the Wood Bird in the 17th Rabjung, on the fifth day of the third lunar month, a day when the stars and planets were auspiciously aligned, in the manner of taming the outer borders, the Lord of Refuge Kyabje Tsophu Dorlo Rinpoche, Pema Gyurme Gyatso, and other great holy beings were joined by three hundred khenpos, lamas, and monks for a five-day ceremony to open the mandalas of Vajrakilaya and the rest of the eight great herukas. They then performed profound Secret Mantra rituals in the proper manner, and in particular, as expressed in Traktung Dudjom Lingpa’s Great Secret Future Advice Arising from Visions:


The life tree of the great eastern land is Krodhi;

She will crush the heads of evil tirthika demons.

The life tree of Baknakpo is Yamaraja;

He will annihilate the life-force of evil savage demons.

The life tree of Gochenpo is Drollö;

He will sever the life-force of the nine elemental enemy brothers.

The life tree of Dochenpo is Vajrapani;

He will lure the life-force of the enemy shape-shifting samaya-corrupting damsi demons.

The life tree of the Seryul is Kila;

He will sever the life-force of the nine classes of gongpo demon.

The life tree of the Gayul is Ishvara;

He will crush the heads of the evil enemy rahula demons.

The life tree of Gyarong are the eight herukas;

They will completely destroy the life-breath of the ocean of venomous enemies.

The life tree of Greater Mongolia is Bhairava;

He will bind the classes of enemy demons.

The life tree of Central Tibet is Vijaya;

She will crush the heads of the evil fighting demons.

The life tree of the land of Purong is Simhamukha;

The life tree of China is Guhyasamaja;

When specific life trees flourish in their respective places,

The sun of peace and happiness will rise in that place. 

For whomever practices all of these,

There, auspiciousness, virtue, and excellence will spread!

There, enemies and obstructers will not cause harm.


Similar to this prophecy, many great beings prophesied that if auspicious connections resulted in the opening of the mandala of Khrodi in the east, and the profound practice of Severance (Chöd), the suppression of damsi demons, etc., along with the complete great accomplishment ceremonies (drubchens) of Yamaraja, Dorje Drollö, Vajrapani, Hayagriva, Vajrakilaya, the Eight Herukas, Bhairava, and others were performed according to the traditional rubrics, and moreover if we made a thousand great peaceful fire offerings of the ground of appearances, recited the Buddhist Canon (Kangyur) three times, the Chronicles of Padmasambhava (Pema Kathang) one hundred times, the Fortunate Aeon Sutra one hundred times, the auspicious Posadha ritual, and the entire Pratimoksha-sutra, the stupa could be successfully constructed, and it would bring benefit to all of Tibet.


Accordingly, obstacle-dispelling mantras, guarding rituals, earth-taming mantras, earth-raising mantras, and one thousands three hundred treasure vases were concealed, and everything was accomplished in accordance with the authentic instructions in the main texts of the sutra and mantra traditions.  During that period, many wondrous, auspicious signs appeared, such as an eagle adorned with myriad colors arriving inside the monastic assembly hall, a child dressed all in white dancing on the spot where the stupa would be built, and a white cloud shaped like a stupa descending to the earth.  Additionally, in the lucky year of the Fire Pig, in the late autumn when the averting ritual was performed as before, during the formal religious service, flower-shaped snowflakes fell and a cuckoo sang.  Later, rainbow light shone from the top of the stupa, and during the night, the voices of builders were heard and various lights shone out.  These signs were actually seen by the people circumambulating.  In particular, when the Guru who Spontaneously Fulfills Wishes and his retinue, the Twenty-Five Subjects, were being constructed on the rock steps behind the stupa, a stream of unusual-colored treasure water gushed forth as the foundation was being dug.  When the sublime Kyabje Kathok Moktsa Rinpoche, Jigdral Lodrö Tenpey Gyaltsen, was performing the earth-taming ritual and scattering flowers to bless the land, turquoise thunder dragons roared from the sky, a shower of gentle rain fell, and a rainbow clouds rainbows. This was witnessed by everyone present.  Many other auspicious signs occurred, but to describe them all would fill too many pages, so I shall not elaborate on them here.


Thus, Kyabje Moktsa Tulku Rinpoche, Terchen Dewey Dorje, and many other great beings blessed the land, and the Guru Who Spontaneously Fulfills All Wishes and his retinue, the Twenty-Five Subjects, were successfully completed. 




Milestone Dates

Rituals were performed using traditional ritual methods to identify a power-place with excellent and auspicious geomantic features by examining it with the reptilian earth-lord, search for that place, request that place, expel obstructers with dharani mantras and meditative concentration, grant blessing through swirling nectar, and so on.

  • In 2006, after completing these preliminary rituals, the Tibetan year of the Fire Dog in the 17th sixty-year cycle, the preliminary rituals such as sweeping the area, cleaning up rubbish and debris, sprinkling purifying water, and leveling the foundation.

  • In 2007, in the fifth month of the Tibetan year of the Fire Pig in the 17th sixty-year cycle, work was officially begun. One hundred and fifty skilled artisans were hired to build the stupa according to the exact proportions specified in the authentic original manuals.

  • In 2012, the Tibetan year of the Water Dragon in the 17th sixty-year cycle, work on the entire external and internal structure was mostly completed.

  • In 2013, the Tibetan year of the Water Snake in the 17th sixty-year cycle, on the auspicious 20th day of the Dragon Month,  the inside and outside of this great stupa, including all the sacred objects and representations, were mostly completed, and a consecration ceremony was held.  With the tossing of flowers and infusion of blessings, the first Great Prayer Festival for Peace and Happiness was initiated, which was our great good fortune.  At that occasion, the chief persons in attendance were Khenchen Tashi Rabten, Jatang Lama Tsedrup, Tulku Chimé Rigdzin, Khenpo Rokpé, Khenpo Senga, Khenpo Sherab Gyaltsen, Khenpo Chakten, Khenpo Tupten Tsering, Khenpo Tenpa Tsering, Khenpo Kalzang Chödar, Khenpo Kalzang Gyatso, Khenpo Tsedi, Tulku Sonam Gyaltsen, Khenpo Wangchen, Khenpo Kalden, Gönla Dukkar, Gönla Dungpa, Gönla Sonam Rigdzin, Gönla Tenzin Tashi, Gönla Bapo, Gönla Ramo, and others. All told, there were over two hundred khenpos, tulkus, lamas, and monks who joined in the original opening ceremony, complete with auspicious posadha and aspiration prayers, to initiate and vastly spread the the auspicious circumstances for bringing about peace and happiness in the world.

  • In 2014, an elaborate consecration with the second Prayer Festival for Peace and Happiness was later held on the auspicious tenth day of the sixth lunar month of the Tibetan Wood Horse year which was attended by over four thousand monks and lamas.