This auspicious, wish-granting stupa is a tamer of maras, meaningful to behold. May it be virtuous!

               --- Chatral Rinpoche

Sera Khandro Lineage


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1892 Sera Khandro is born in Lhasa on the first day of the Tibetan water dragon year. 1902-3 (age 10-11) Sera Khandro's father arranges a politically advantageous marriage for her. 1903 (age 11) She attempts suicide by drinking a mixture of opium and alcohol, in despair over her betrothal. 1904 (age 12) Her mother dies and her father remarries; she has a prophetic dream in which Vajravarahi gives her prophetic guides (kha byang) and empowers her to reveal two Treasure cycles that will come to her over the course of her lifetime. 1906 (age 14) Drime Ozer and his religious encampment members arrive on pilgrimage at her brother's house, seeking a place to set up camp. 1907 (age 15) She escapes from her brother's house in Lhasa to follow Drime Ozer and his entourage back to eastern Tibet. 1907-8 (age 15-16) After arriving in Dartsang, Serta, she works as a maidservant for a nearby Golok nomadic family in order to afford the winter religious teachings at Dartsang. 1910 (age 18) Gara Terchen Perna Dilndill Wangchuk Lingpa of Benak Monastery in Golok summons her to dispel obstacles to his longevity, but because his consort, Yakshulza , prevented her earlier arrival, he dies. 1911 (age 19) She returns to Benak Monastery on account of a prophecy. 1912 (age 20) Sera Khandro settles with Gara Terchen’s son, named Gara Gyelse perma Namgyel. 1913 (age 21) Sera Khandro gives birth to her first child, a daughter named Yangchen Dronma; Gyelse disapproves of her Treasure revelations, leading her to try to keep them secret. 1915 (age 23) Gochen Trulku Jikdrel Chokyi Lodro (a.k.a. Gotrul Rinpoche) of Pelyul Dartang Monastery in Golok recognizes Sera Khandro as a khandroma (Skt. dakini); Gyelse and Drime Ozer discuss the idea of exchanging Sera Khandro and decide that she will eventually become one of Drime Ozer’s consorts. 1918 (age 26) Amid increasing tensions at Benak, Sera Khandro gives birth to a stillborn son and then moves with her faction of the community to Yeru religious encampment, the residence of Gyelse's brother Jikme Konchok. 1919 (age 27) She gives birth to Rindzin Gyurme Dorje, whom she describes as the "consciousness" (rnam shes) of Gotrul Rinpoche. 1921(age 29) Repeated invasions by the Ma family warlords from Qinghai cause unrest in Golok and lead both Gyelse and Drime Ozer to move their encampments. Meanwhile Sera Khandro becomes increasingly ill with an arthritic condition. As she nears death, Gyelse sends her to live with Drime Ozer. After intensive practice in union with him, she attains spiritual liberation. 1923 (age 31) Andzom Drondill Pawo Dorje summons her to visit him at Andzom Chogar; the two Treasure revealers exchange religious teachings and nurture auspicious connections. 1924 (age 32) Gyelse presses a lawsuit in Golok courts for custody of Sera Khandro's son Rindzin Gyurme Dorje, but a plague sweeps through Dartsang and the boy passes away at age flive, followed three days later by Drime Ozer at age forty-three. Sera Khandro accepts Sotrul Natsok Rangdrol Rinpoche’s invitation to move with him to Sera Monastery in Serta. 1925 (age 33) Sera Khandro begins to teach the Dharma widely throughout eastern Tibet, including primarily her Treasure teachings and those of Dujom Lingpa and Drime Ozer, as well as other Great Perfection teachings such as those of Longchenpa; she writes Drime Ozer's biography. 1926 (age 34) She teaches Diljom Lingpa's Refining One's Perception at Sera Monastery, among other teachings, and commences writing her long autobiography. 1927 (age 35) She teaches Drime bzer's eighteen volumes of Treasures to a group of prominent trulkus. 1929 (age 37) She begins compiling the complete works of Dujom Lingpa and finishes her short verse autobiography. 1932 (age 40) Sera Khandro gives teachings from her Treasures to the King of Lingkar and his royal family. 1933 (age 41) Sera Khandro finishes compiling forty-four volumes of Treasure scriptures, including twenty-two of Dujom Lingpa's, eighteen of Drime Ozer's, and four of her own. 1934 (age 42) Sera Khandro completes writing her long autobiography. 1939 (age 47) Zhapdrung Tsewang Drakpa invites Sera Khandro to Riwoche in Kham, where she gives teachings on Dujom Lingpa, Drime Ozer, and her own Treasures. 1940 (age 48) Sera Khandro passes away at the estate of Zhapdrung Tsewang Drakpa in Riwoche.
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